Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Planting Peas

Taking advantage of a natural pea trellis, the fence separating the main yard and the chicken yard from the garden, as we've previously backed the entire fence with chicken wire to keep the chickens from squeezing through the fence.
This will do a few things, one give the peas something to grow up, give the chickens some fresh growing peas to munch on through the fence and will help add more shade to the chicken yard. Since I have several sections of fencing I've planted chicken peas and our peas - ones the chickens won't be able to get at through the fence.
This year I planted Heirloom Sugar Daddy & a few left over Organic Sugar Daddy from last year.

Before planting them I soak our peas roughly 10-16 hours. Until they are nice and plump. This helps prepare them for sprouting.

I planted them nice and close to the wall, even leaving a ditch for watering. Adding in rabbit poop with the soil for a boost.
The chicken wire comes down close to the dirt so it will be able to catch hold and climb quickly. Last year I planted the peas far to late, this year I'm praying we don't have a sharp frost wipe them all out!


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