Our Bit of Dirt
Previously I've stated that we have a very small urban homestead.
Our property is roughly one quarter acre large. (small)
Yet we've fit so much!
The black and white version shows everything listed out.
*forgot my compost pile - its on the drive way near the large shed*
Sorry for my bad handwriting.
My husband found this amazing program to create a mock up our full yard.
It even has a 3D walk through option - haven't yet figured out how to share that.
What these photos show is what we currently have.
My darling
(and very patient husband)
also made a mock up of our future plans.
One day we would love to move to proper rural land with several acres.
We'd love to have pigs, goats and a cow.
Until then we have chickens and rabbits,
with future plans for ducks and bee's.
Its amazing what you can fit into a small area.
This last year we've focused on returning crops - last year we added in the berries.
This year we added tree's and grapes.
We also focus on different things each year.
Last year I grew cucumbers, cucumbers and even more cucumbers.
So much that I have several years of sweet pickle relish.
Next year I will be planting one trellis of cucumbers, as we've really eaten down my dill pickles.
Found out those are a family favorite.
Last year I made both Plum Jam and Plum BBQ Sauce.
Next time it will ALL be Plum Jam.
While the BBQ Sauce tasted great, my family is addicted to the jam and are currently fighting over my last quart.
This year is also my first year planting onions, as well as successfully growing potatoes.
Here's hoping the potato harvest is a great as think it will be.
Next year I plan on increasing my potato area, future plans are to grow a full year supply for my family.
We increased our garlic patch last year - we LOVE garlic.
As it was last years garlic almost lasted us a year.
Last years carrots almost lasted us a year as well.
I never knew that my gardening goals would go from a summer supply of fresh healthy food to wanting to grow enough for a full year!
No matter the reason (saving money, healthier, no GMO, no pesticides ect)
home grown food just tastes better!
*forgot my compost pile - its on the drive way near the large shed*
Sorry for my bad handwriting.
My husband found this amazing program to create a mock up our full yard.
It even has a 3D walk through option - haven't yet figured out how to share that.
What these photos show is what we currently have.
My darling
(and very patient husband)
also made a mock up of our future plans.
One day we would love to move to proper rural land with several acres.
We'd love to have pigs, goats and a cow.
Until then we have chickens and rabbits,
with future plans for ducks and bee's.
Its amazing what you can fit into a small area.
This last year we've focused on returning crops - last year we added in the berries.
This year we added tree's and grapes.
We also focus on different things each year.
Last year I grew cucumbers, cucumbers and even more cucumbers.
So much that I have several years of sweet pickle relish.
Next year I will be planting one trellis of cucumbers, as we've really eaten down my dill pickles.
Found out those are a family favorite.
Last year I made both Plum Jam and Plum BBQ Sauce.
Next time it will ALL be Plum Jam.
While the BBQ Sauce tasted great, my family is addicted to the jam and are currently fighting over my last quart.
This year is also my first year planting onions, as well as successfully growing potatoes.
Here's hoping the potato harvest is a great as think it will be.
Next year I plan on increasing my potato area, future plans are to grow a full year supply for my family.
We increased our garlic patch last year - we LOVE garlic.
As it was last years garlic almost lasted us a year.
Last years carrots almost lasted us a year as well.
I never knew that my gardening goals would go from a summer supply of fresh healthy food to wanting to grow enough for a full year!
No matter the reason (saving money, healthier, no GMO, no pesticides ect)
home grown food just tastes better!
Looks like a busy life. Oh to be in my 30s again! We grew most of our own veggies when we were young too. We lived in town and only had room for a small herb garden, but my uncle had a farm close to town where he gave us a field, and my husband's aunt had a quarter of an acre on the other side of town. A little harder having to go out to weed and take care of the crops, but we usually had enough to last us through the winter too. The only fruit trees were the pin cherry trees (yummy jelly) but we had several types of berries (strawberries and raspberries). We gathered fiddleheads, blueberries and blackberries in the wild, and sometimes found wild strawberries. I spent the early fall making jams and jellies, pickles and some pickled veggies (mustard beans, pickled beets and onions) ... I remember what a lot of work it was. I also remember how satisfying it was not to need to buy these things!