Friday, August 19, 2016


Still squealing like a kid!

My new apple over load already stretched what stores I had to the breaking point.
I have TONS of mason jars due to a wicked deal I was able to get last month.
180 quart sized canning jars for $40.00
A lady was moving and didn't want to drag them all with her.
MOST of them were brand new!
they didn't come with lids or rings.
I've spent the last few days canning tons of Apple Butter & Apple Sauce jars.
So much that I emptied a full tote of apples, in the process I ran out of lids & bands.

Hence I'm still squealing like a child admiring my new toys!
Especially the Clear Jel!
A product I've never used before but I want to can tons and tons of Apple Pie Filling and my research has led me to believe that Clear Jel is by far the best way to go!
I'll post both the recipe and photos of them soon!

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