Sunday, June 12, 2016

Preserving Dill in Olive Oil

I have SO MUCH Dill this year! I've cut and cut and cut it!
I've cooked, baked and given it to the chickens & rabbits.
I've given some to friends & family, I've dried bunch after bunch for the winter.
Funny thing about Dill - they more you cut the faster it seems to grow!

My forest of dill in the garlic - soon I'll be able to harvest the garlic. I'm no longer worried about the dill surviving when we take the garlic out. Even if we lose a few plants I doubt I'll notice!
First what I did was cut a very large bunch of dill.
Then I separated the large long stems that are better for hanging and drying from the smaller sections to cut up for freezing in oil.
Then I went through and removed the stalk, when cutting you only want the finer dill.
Finely chopping the dill, adding it bit by bit into my ice cube trays.
Once all the dill was portioned off, chopped or hung,
I added Classic Olive Oil to the dill - barely covering it completely.
For me each cube was roughly half deep in the tray, add as much as your cooking tastes prefer.

I added the classic olive oil instead of the more popular virgin or extra virgin for a more delicate soft taste in the oil.
I plan on using the oil/dill cubes for grilling fish & other type dishes.
Cooking or grilling EVOO or VOO can change the taste to something more bitter.

Now you can freeze dill in water,
if you do that, you'll be adding water into whatever dish you add the dill to.
Next time I may add a half of lemon slice to each ice cube tray, marking the bag especially for fish dishes, but I personally will stick to oil.
I froze the cubes overnight but the standard time should be 4 hours or more to freeze a full tray.

During my checking of the dill sections I found one stalk not like the rest.
It had two small sections of bright tiny yellow eggs.
Those are lady bug eggs!
Lady bugs are GREAT bugs, so I took that stalk back outside and placed it underneath all the rest of the dill to protect the eggs.


  1. This is such wonderful information!! - I am going to try this with some basil ... taking for inspiring home grown/cooked ... hugs

  2. This is such wonderful information!! - I am going to try this with some basil ... taking for inspiring home grown/cooked ... hugs
